YUMA, Ariz.-
Food Banks across Arizona are not accepting citrus donations like oranges and lemons because they are worried about spreading a bug that could harm the billion dollar citrus industry.
The bug is called the Asian Citrus Psyllid, and it has the potential to destroy hundreds of acres of citrus trees. However, the bug is not the big problem. In fact, all of Yuma’s citrus trees have the psyllid. What citrus growers are worried about is the incurable disease found in trees that can be spread to other places through the bug. The bacteria is called Greening disease and it stops the citrus and trees from growing.
There are no cases in Arizona but there are in southern California. Dr. Glenn Wright with the University of Arizona says about $300 million has been spent to find a cure.
Florida has been most affected by the bacteria. It has wiped out 300,000 acres of citrus trees according to Dr. Wright.