YUMA, Ariz. – The presidential debate between Republican nominee Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton has some local residents supporting both parties.
With just over a month before the next chapter of this year’s election begins, some locals speak about both candidates. Some even agreeing with national polls showing Clinton is not credible.
“I look forward on seeing Donald Trump trounce Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton is a liar, I don’t think she’s trustworthy,” one resident said.
But other residents don’t trust Trump.
“Clinton is one smart lady, you know she’s worked hard, she’s put up a lot in her life so maybe she will be okay. She’s not a hot head like trump,” one resident said.
Tonight’s debate is especially important for undecided voters, as this debate will possibly sway them to choose one or the other.
“I don’t think Mr. Trump is capable of running this country and I’m not sure about Hillary doing it either. I may change my mind again, we still have awhile to go,” one resident said.
Some residents were not comfortable speaking in front of a camera, but said they will definitely be watching the presidential debate.