YUMA, Ariz. – Dozens of veterans and their loved ones gathered at Sunset Vista cemetery to honor our fallen heroes.
“Every veteran that has fought in wars is here and so it just brings it out more to the family when their fallen family members are being recognized,” said former Master Sergeant Jesse Martinez.
Guest speakers, taps, 21 gun salute were all in memory of every man and woman who has given the ultimate sacrifice protecting freedom.
“Well we have a ceremony here every year on the 31st of May on Memorial Day and it’s paying tribute to all the veterans that have fought in all the wars to protect our country,” said Martinez.
Many families were out paying their respects. Older generations passing on the importance of Memorial Day to younger generations. For Ismael Solorio Santillan in particular, it’s a time to remember his son who died nine years ago.
Santillan said, “We come to the ceremony they do here for the fallen ones to remember, it’s sad but here we are.”
He still cries about his son to this day, but understands the importance of protecting our country.
“It’s an obligation. We have to serve this country and defend it when need be,” said Santillan.
He says he believes his son died in the most honorable way and feels that he is in a better place.
“We all experience it deeply, but death, it comes suddenly, you never know when it will be your turn,” said Santillan.