YUMA, Ariz.- Alexander Ford Lincoln in Yuma awarded five senior high school students a college scholarship on Thursday. The National FFA Scholarship gifted $1,000 to each student. This year the scholarship program has gifted over $2.6 million to more than 8,000 students.
Senior at Antelope Union High School Taicey Johnson says she is using her scholarship toward her first semester at Northern Arizona University.
“This scholarship is definitely like a stepping stone into going to college. Which is my goal after high school to go to college. It’s going to go towards helping me with my degree and help me toward my future plans,” said Johnson.
Gila Ridge Ag teacher Dani Duran says she’s proud of all her students who were awarded the scholarship on Wednesday.
“For them to get the scholarship to help them get through college that is one of those big things in life. It’s one of those things that no matter that’s a guarantee to help them with their dreams and goals,” said Duran.
For high school students interested in applying for 2017’s National FFA scholarship they must submit their application online at FFA.org no later than 5:00 p.m. EST on Feb. 1, 2017. The required Signature Page must be mailed to the National FFA Organization Center postmarked no later than Feb. 8, 2017.